SUMWIC MACHINERY CO., - Global Brand Company for Transformer Core Equipment.

Does SUMWIC Machinery enjoy high popularity?
SUMWIC MACHINERY CO., LTD upholds a fearless spirit towards making mistakes and constantly seeks innovations. Based on that, we overcome various difficulties during the development. We gain numerous honorary qualifications in the industry. SUMWIC MACHINERY COMPANY's location has traffic convenience with multiple traffic lines joining up. This contributes to the transportation and ensures the timely supply of products. With rich manufacturing experience and strong production capability, SUMWIC MACHINERY COMPANY is able to provide professional solutions according to customers' actual needs. SUMWIC MACHINERY COMPANYsets up an excellent R&D and design team. According to customers' needs, we could quickly design suitable solutions and provide quality OEM/ODM services.

Which brand of circulating water filter is better Circulating water filter working process: After the water filter is connected to the pipeline system,The water enters the water filter from the lower inlet,After filtering the debris, the water flows from the outlet,When impurities in the water pass through the mesh core,Since the volume is larger than the mesh core hole,And the slit is trapped on the Net core,When a certain amount is accumulated,That is, there is a constant pressure difference between the inlet and outlet.When the water pressure difference between the inlet pressure gauge and the outlet pressure gauge of the filter screen increases to the specified value (the filter screen accuracy diameter is different, generally 0.15Mpa ),Open the sewage valve and put it into work,Water flows reverse flushing of impurities and dirt attached to the inner side wall of the mesh core,Drain the attachment from the filter screen,Close the sewage valve when the internal and external pressure difference returns to

Hello, how much do you need to invest in a small bottled pure water factory? Bottle of purified water equipmentProcess flow of mineral water equipmentMineral water source → original water tank → raw water booster pump → quartz sand filter → activated carbon filter → precision filter → high-pressure pump → ultra-filtration main unit → ultra-filtration water for industrial use → Ozone generator → air-water mixer → drinking mineral waterThe above process is suitable for drinking mineral water, mountain spring water, industrial UF Water, and can also be used for pre-pretreatment of purified water equipment.The following permits must be obtained for mineral water plants1. QS certification quality and technical supervision bureau of production license.2. Food and Drug Administration of health permit.3. health certificate health bureau of employeesThe above pre-application approval parties can apply for the following documents:1. Business license industry and commerce bureau.2. tax bureau of ta
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